Latar belakang Toriko

The planet of Toriko is separated into two parts; the Human World (人間界, Ningen-kai) and the Gourmet World (グルメ界, Gurume-kai).[1] The Human World is where modern civilization exists and occupies just 30% of the planet, the rest is the Gourmet World, which is inhospitable to most humans due to the strength of the wild life and extreme climate changes. In the Gourmet Age (グルメ時代, Gurume Jidai), which began five centuries ago at the end of the hundred-year war, the taste and texture of food is extremely important. The International Gourmet Organization (国際グルメ機構, Kokusai Gurume Kikō), or IGO, maintains order and defends civilians from dangerous animals and gourmet criminals. Originally set-up by the United Nations, the IGO is now independent from them and holds more influence as it is composed of 360 nations.[2] They apply a numerical rating from 1 to 100, referred to as Capture Levels (捕獲レベル, Hokaku Reberu), to most ingredients based on the difficulty of acquiring it.[3] The IGO has a group of seven individuals with highly sensitive taste, called the Gourmet 7 (グルメセブン, Gurume Sebun) or G7, that are in charge of assigning the star ranking of restaurants and the ranking of chefs.[4]

Individuals known as Gourmet Hunters (美食屋, Bishokuya, lit. "Gourmet Food Providers"), who have usually trained their abilities to that of superhuman, are regularly hired by restaurants and the rich to seek high-level ingredients and rare animals. One can also increase their strength by implanting Gourmet Cells (グルメ細胞, Gurume Saibō) into their bodies.[5][6] Gourmet Revivers (再生屋, Saiseiya, lit. "Regeneration Providers") are those who dedicate themselves to protecting ingredients from extinction or exhaustion, and who can also arrest people that partake in the transaction of illegal goods or violate poaching laws.[7][8]


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